Discover How a Dental Implant Can Renew Your Smile And Your Chewing Ability

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dental Implants Cost Is Not Covered By Medical Insurance

Dental implants cost usually does not matter when you want to get a smacking white smile back, but it pinches during the aftermath of a recession. Even if people cannot afford treatment on their own, there is medical insurance coverage that takes care of the costs. But, medical insurance cover for dental implants is not available as it is treated as cosmetic rather than a necessary medical procedure.

Check out dentists registered under ADA

Others are also known to neglect their dentures fearing high dental implants cost. While insurance companies can offer coverage for implants in the event of any damages to your teeth owing to an accident, they don’t cover implants.

And even if some of the insurers in some states take care of a small portion of the expense, they are not known to pick up the entire cost. And even if they cover a portion, the dental implants cost is so high that few can afford it on their own.

Checking out dentists registered with ADA can reveal names and contact numbers as well as background checks. You can find a dentist with a good and clean record willing to do the implants at far cheaper rates. But, despite the slide in dollar, the cost of dental implants in the US is not bringing prospective patients from overseas.

Instead, countries like Mexico is benefiting from dental tourism. You can get it done at a third of the cost average dental practitioners charge in the US. But there are several online sources you can check out for affordable treatment depending on your budget.

Different types of treatment and costs

For a single tooth implant with crown, the dental implants cost in the US is $2500 while a complete mouth makeover can make you poorer by nearly $50,000. Not many can afford it and choose to go to Mexico instead where a complete reconstruction can be done within $13,000-$15,000.

Cases could be complicated and costs would also go up accordingly. You could have bone density problems that could require separate treatment and dental implants cost also depends on the diameter of the implants.

In the US, you may have to pay anything from $2000 to $4000 for a single tooth, but that does not factor in other professional medical charges that could add up fast. Your main tasks before opting for treatment is to get a good idea about the dental implants cost you are likely to incur.

And costs could vary from one federal state to the other and even vary among cities in a single state. Neighborhoods could also differ in dental implants cost.


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